Think About It!
by Bruce W. Chenoweth, S.I.P.E.

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Maybe you have heard the phrase: “Thoughts are things.” The more I learn, the more I realize how TOTALLY true that idea is. Here are a few “things” for you think about . . .

First, consider this poem by James Allen from his book “As a Man Thinketh”:

“ Mind is the Master power that moulds and makes,
And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes
The Tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills,
Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills :--
He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass :
Environment is but his looking glass.”

The first time I read this, it didn’t resonate with my understanding of God. I intuitively knew, however, that there was more to the poem than I was “getting.” The poem stuck permanently in my mind. Then one day I had an “AHAH!” moment, and it all fit into place. Maybe you will have a similar experience. I leave that up to you…

We have all heard about the importance of having a “good attitude.” Employers look for people who think that a glass filled to its center is “half full” rather than “half empty”. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale taught millions of people the “Power of Positive Thinking.” Two of Dr. Napoleon Hill’s “Principles of Success” were “Positive Mental Attitude” and “Accurate Thinking”. You will not find a human potential book, class or philosophy that doesn’t have these ideas as their core. With all that attention, you would think that we would all understand the idea completely. Here is some information that just may shift your paradigm a bit.

Dr. Masuro Emoto, a researcher specializing in the study of water, has discovered and photographically documented some amazing facts about the influence of music, thoughts, and even spoken and written words on energy found in water.

It has long been believed that water from different sources or that had been treated in different ways had greatly different influences on the people and animals that consumed it. If so, then what was the difference?

Through a process of microscopic observation of small samples of water that were frozen at -25ºC and then slowly thawed to -5ºC, Dr. Emoto was able to observe tremendous variances in the crystallization of the water. This is important because the crystallization varies as a result of the energy contained in the water.

In his “Water Crystals In Motion – Messages from Water” video what struck me most was the amazing influence that thoughts and words have on the energy structure. Water that is “loved” or that has been spoken to or thought of with hopeful, positive words and phrases develops beautiful, complex, magnificent crystalline structures. Water that has been cursed or spoken to or thought of with negative, hateful words or phrases will not develop crystals at all, and form a structure reminiscent of the scum on sewer ponds. These samples will not even reflect light back to the microscope well.

So, what does that have to do with you? Think about this…

If you are a die-hard “Star-Trek” fan, like me, you will remember the “Next Generation” episode in which an antagonized silicone life-form described humans as “big, ugly bags of mostly water.” I can’t agree with the “ugly” part, but we are definitely all “big bags of mostly water” – 80% or more, as I recall from science class.

Given that we are mostly water, and now knowing about the effects of thoughts and words on water, which would you rather that your body and the bodies of your friends and family be: beautiful, magnificent, sparkling crystals, or clumping, repulsive swamp water? The way you think and speak has a tremendous influence on you and your environment.

The next time you find your thoughts and words or the thoughts and words in your environment to be less than positive, constructive and enlightened, stop and give some consideration about what results you want to create.  Really!  Think about it!

If you would like some more thoughts and perspectives on the subject of the amazing power of thoughts from some of the greatest minds that have ever lived, watch "The Secret" video.

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This page last updated 01/08/10











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